Anthem of CREC—“Trailbreaker”
On March 12, the T-shaped bridge girder at the first opening of the connecting line of Laos-Thailand Railway, which was built by China Railway No.5 Engineering Group, was successfully erected at the head of a bridge on the railway in Vientiane, Laos. This marked the beginning of full-scale girder construction of the first phase of Laos-Thailand Railway and laid a foundation for the rail connection of the three countries of China, Laos and Thailand.
The bridge, with a length of 771.9 meters, is the control project within the bid section.
The China-Laos-Thailand railway, which starts from Kunming, China and runs all the way to Bangkok, Thailand via Vientiane, Laos, is the middle line of the long-discussed project Trans-Asian Railway. At present, the sections from Kunming to Mohan, Mohan to Vientiane, and Vientiane to southern Vientiane have been completed and opened to traffic.
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