Anthem of CREC—“Trailbreaker”
Antarctica is a distant and mysterious place where many Chinese people have devoted themselves into the scientific research since the first Chinese expedition team set foot on it in 1984. As the pioneer of infrastructure construction in China, CREC stepped on this continent for the first time in 2002, since when the unusual fate between CREC and Antarctica grows. In the past 16 years, employees of CREC overcame difficulties of intense cold, polar wind, heavy snowstorm as well as months-long darkness and built small towns one after another, providing solid guarantees for the Chinese scientific research.
22 employees from CRCEG, a subsidiary of CREC, following China's 35th Antarctic scientific expedition team, afford the over-five-month mission of CREC’s 16th expedition to Antarctica by snow dragon ship since November 2nd, 2018. After departing from Shanghai, the ship crossed the equator via Hobart of Australia and sub-polar westerlies to Zhongshan Station and the Ross Sea New Station. It is scheduled to return Shanghai via Australia on April 11th, 2019 after all missions completed.
The 22 experienced employees including LUO Huangxun, GUO Zhaolun, ZHANG Jian, ZHOU Jianliang, HAN Guijun and WUANG Zhong are scheduled to undertake repairing garage and helipad, building vegetable greenhouse, upgrading plumbing of Zhongshan station and maintaining laser radar station as well as temporary facilities at the Ross Sea New Station on Antarctica.
Helicopter Airfield
Greenhouse at Zhongshan Station
Plumbing Upgrading of Zhongshan Station
Laser Radar Station
Temporary Facilities of the New Station Close to Ross Sea
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